What's goin' on...

March 19, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Happy Spring!  I should be spring cleaning or fixing up the yard but instead I am playing on the computer...that is much more fun.  As you look through the site you will notice a few subtle changes have been made.  I changed the Facebook link to "Follow Me" and added a drop down menu.  Here you will find links to Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, and this wonderful Blog.  They say having a presence is important...I know my friends are scratching their heads as they know I am not the biggest  social media fan.  I will be making some changes to client albums so for those repeat clients keep an eye out and let me know what you think.  I am also working on the shopping cart so I can once again present that option to my clients and a calendar so you can see what dates and times are available. 

I am scheduling appointments across the US as I will be traveling in June to Montana.  If interested please email me and I will see about adding you to the calendar.  I will need to know where you are so I can see if you are on my travel path!  Session fees must be paid in advance to hold your appointment and ensure I come your way.  I would hate to detour 2 hours only to arrive and have someone say sorry, we changed our minds.  Please let all your family and friends in your area know, I would love to have 2 or 3 sittings at each stop.

April is my mom's birthday so I am running a couple great specials...details can be found on Facebook.  Basically, if your birthday is in April your session fee is free.  If your birthday is on the 16th you will get an additional discount on your print/product order.  Happy Birthday Mom.

Finally, don't forget to schedule your gymnastics, soccer, and baseball photos.  My sports packages are the best anywhere starting at $5 and going up to $30.  No minimum purchase required and a package purchase is not necessary.  My sports schedule usually fills up pretty quick so get me while you can. 


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