Long time no see!

August 21, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Not real sure if anyone even follows this, but for those of you who do sorry I have been MIA for a minute.  I really need to get myself into social media mode and keeping everything updated.  When one hasn't updated their blog in forever how far back should they go?  How about July, yeah, that seems like a good start point.  

July saw me and my family road trippin' back to Montana.  Yes, we drove all the way to Montana.  Airline tickets are so dang expensive plus I think half the fun is in the journey, seeing things we wouldn't otherwise see, coming across people we might not have ever met.  The journey began with my three girls and I heading up to Illinois, Chicago to be more precise.  My husband who was supposed to deploy had torn his meniscus just days before so would not be heading to the land of sand and sun.  We would meet up with him later on in our journey.  My son was flying first class to Honolulu, HI to visit his best friend who is being treated for Leukemia.  AA bumped him to first class-I said, so not only do you get to go to Hawaii but now you're flying first class and I am driving to Montana, something is not right with this picture.  Anyhow, back to Chicago.  My bestie from forever ago lives in Chicago and wanted to visit Montana and some of her friends that are still there.  Her vacation and my vacation time lined up perfectly so we decided to road it together.  You may be wondering what would possess a girl to drive to Montana.  You may be wondering what would possess anyone to go to Montana for any reason.  Well, my dad was being ordained as a Deacon in the Catholic Church.  He and my mom went thru extensive teachings, and studies for five years to get my dad to this point.  

While in Montana I was able to photograph my sister's family.  The shoots were super quick and fairly spontaneous but we still ended up with some pretty great photos.  My nieces are little supermodels that are insanely comfortable in front of the camera.  I think they would have been completely fine with a 4 hour photo shoot, if we drove from location to location, changed outfits numerous times, or even if we just stayed put for four hours.  My sister is also very photogenic and at ease in front of the camera.  Steve on the other hand, he was a challenge.  As a photographer I have seen a variety of people with varying comfort levels with the camera and the idea of being photographed.  Steve, was one of the more uncomfortable people I have run across.  I was able to catch him mid-laugh a few times!  

Upon returning from my little vacation in Montana I have had the opportunity to photograph several great families and kiddos in the Valdosta area.  Two of these great families had won some contests that I held on Facebook so were able to have their sessions done for FREE!  WOOHOO-I love free!  I have been busy with school photos, which truly has been a blessing.  The photos offered at the schools are usually so expensive and less than pretty, I think we can all agree on that.  I wanted to be able to give people some photos that were unique, affordable, and wall worthy!  My calendar is full, full, full and I am loving it.  I will be officially kicking off the Christmas season on September 6th so am praying it is a huge success.  I will be offering tons of discounts and free stuff.  Can you think of anything that could be better than that because I sure as heck can't!?!  

Alrighty, then everyone.  I think it is a good time to bring this to a close.  I promise I will try to do better at writing.  I think maybe it is just as important that you know me and who I am as I know you.  I am off to do some training so I can be a Brownie troop leader-UGH!! that is a scary thought.  I also need to get to the church to do some volunteer work up there.  Decided to help out in the office a bit now that all my kiddos are off at school.  Of course I can't do anything until the fridge guy gets here.  Hopefully, this time around they actually fix the problem.  I hope you all have a blessed day.  Share your blessings with those around you.  Remember the person behind you, beside you, or in front of you may be struggling and your smile could be an answer to their prayer, it could be the lift they need to get them through the next 10 minutes.  


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